Eating during labor

When you look at labor as a marathon it is easy to understand why proper hydration and nourishment is so important. If you are planning giving birth in a hospital, you will likely hear that you cannot eat at a certain point. This is their policy, it is not law. If you’re hungry, I encourage you to eat. You will reach a point in your labor when you no longer have an appetite, at that point I encourage you to continue hydrating. No matter what, listen to your body. It got you to this point, you can trust it. Here are some tips:


Bone broths, coconut water, water with added electrolytes are all wonderful choices to keep you hydrated and provide some nourishment.


Early Labor- keep your blood sugar regulated by having a healthy protein and carb combo

Smoothies, veggies with humus, apple slices with a nut butter or cheese, hard boiled egg. You want your blood

Active labor- you likely won’t be super hungry but here are a few snacks that will keep your energy up

Dates, honey sticks, smoothies


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