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Pregnancy to parenthood
postpartum tips
Preparing for postpartum is the smartest thing you can do for yourself during your pregnancy. Your future self and family thanks you.
Breastfeeding and libido
Breastfeeding your baby can impact your libido and desire but maybe not in the ways you think. Learn how breastfeeding hormonally affects your sex life and what you can do to support your sexual relationship with your partner.
Choosing the Best Healthcare Providers for Your Pregnancy
A healthcare provider in relation to pregnancy could be an OBGYN, a Midwife, a doula, a chiropractor. Anyone who helps take care of your health as a pregnant person and the health of your unborn baby. Take your time finding the right fit. Being intentional and thorough with your provider choices will help you find providers who are best suited for you and your needs!
When and How to Hire a Newborn Care Specialist
Are you expecting a new baby? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Hiring a newborn care specialist can ease the transition to parenthood. A newborn care specialist (NCS) is a professional who specializes in providing care for newborns and their families. These specialists offer various services, from helping with breastfeeding and diaper changes to working a night shift so you can get some rest.
10 questions to ask your OB
If you are trying to have a specific type of birth or want to see how supportive your OB is of your choices, these are the questions I recommend asking. The answers to these questions will tell you more about the provider and their philosophy than any health grades review or packet they could give you.
My NICU experience A Personal Essay
After 24 hours of labor, my daughter arrived eagerly into this world. I was exhausted, but our first few moments together were magical. Once we were in the recovery room, I placed Valentina into the bassinet for a brief moment. When I looked over, I was paralyzed with fear. She had turned completely blue. As I shouted for the nurse, an eerie feeling of deja-vu washed over me.
Why hire a doula?
There is a lot of information and even more opinions. It is vital for every birthing person to make their own decisions about care with the benefit of the most up-to-date and unbiased information. Having continuous physical, emotional and informational support from the same person, your doula, allows you to feel and be safe and cared for, alleviating unnecessary stress and anxiety for you and your family.
The biggest hormonal shift you will ever go through is right after birth. Matrescence is that shift.