What is considered full term?
36 weeks- PRE TERM
37-39 weeks is EARLY TERM
39-41 weeks is FULL TERM
41-42 weeks is LATE TERM
I don’t like due dates. I think they create a lot of unnecessary pressure on birthing people. I like to think of a birth window because that’s generally more accurate. 38-42 weeks pregnant is the normal window. First time moms typically stay pregnant until about 41 weeks. That is totally biologically normal. It may seem abnormal to stay pregnant beyond 40 weeks but that’s really only because of the somewhat recent obsession with induction.
Babies born before 39 weeks generally have more difficulties breathing on their own, feeding and controlling their body temperature.
It’s important to really understand what is considered full term in pregnancy. I see posts that say “37 weeks- full term” and not only is that inaccurate, it’s dangerous. This misinformation contributes to needless inductions and anxiety.
I’ll do a post on inductions soon. It’s a very important topic to understand but it is loaded with a lot of nuance. It’s always best to be educated and then have a conversation with your care provider.