When and How to Hire a Newborn Care Specialist
Are you expecting a new baby? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Hiring a newborn care specialist can ease the transition to parenthood. A newborn care specialist (NCS) is a professional who specializes in providing care for newborns and their families. These specialists offer various services, from helping with breastfeeding and diaper changes to working a night shift so you can get some rest.
If you’re considering hiring a newborn care specialist, here are a few signs that it’s time to take the plunge:
1. You’re feeling overwhelmed. Having a newborn is a lot to handle, especially if you’re a first-time parent. A newborn care specialist can provide the extra support you need to make the transition easier.
2. You’re having trouble sleeping. Newborns can be unpredictable sleepers, and a newborn care specialist can help you develop a sleep schedule that works for you and your baby. A newborn care specialist can also work night shifts to help you get the rest you need to recover during postpartum.
3. You’re having trouble with feedings or care techniques. A newborn care specialist can teach you the best evidence-based practices if you are confused about changing diapers, washing, feeding, and burping your newborn.
4. You’re having trouble adjusting to life with a newborn. A newborn care specialist can provide guidance and advice to help you adjust to life with a newborn.
If you’re experiencing or feeling any of the above, hiring a newborn care specialist can empower and ease your postpartum transition. If you’re ready to hire, here are some questions you can ask potential candidates to ensure they are the right fit.
Questions to ask when hiring a Newborn Care Specialist
1. How long have you been a newborn care specialist? Why did you become one?
2. Can you teach us the best practices for caring for our newborn?
3. Can you send me your CPR certification? Do you have references I could speak to?
4. How many nights do you feel you can safely work?
5. Do you sleep/rest when the baby sleeps?
6. Are you supportive of how I decide to feed my baby? Are you knowledgeable about breastfeeding?
7. What are your opinions on pacifiers, gas medication, swaddling, etc.?
Keira's Recommendation for Newborn Care Specialist
Rosi 310-936-7140
Nury Ortiz 323-243-9936
Ashley Rudnansky 707-921-8688
Margie Walker 310-993-5293