10 questions to ask your OB
If you are trying to have a specific type of birth or want to see how supportive your OB is of your choices, these are the questions I recommend asking. The answers to these questions will tell you more about the provider and their philosophy than any health grades review or packet they could give you.
1. Are you comfortable catching my baby in any position I decide to push in?
2. I do not want an IV or hep lock upon arrival at the hospital. Are you supportive of this?
3. I would like to delay cord clamping until the cord is white and completely stops pulsating. Are you supportive of this?
4. I want to deliver my placenta naturally without traction or assistance from anyone. Are you supportive of this? How long are you comfortable waiting?
5. I do not want Pitocin as a precautionary measure. I want to have just the fundal massage (or vice versa). Are you supportive of this?
6. What is your birth philosophy?
7. If labor has stalled, but my baby is doing well, how long do you typically wait before calling it “failure to progress”?
8. How often do you see unmedicated birth?
9. What is your philosophy on VBAC?
10. What is your c-section rate?