You do not have a small pelvis
VBACs have been on my mind a lot lately because of a few new mamas I have the pleasure of working with right now.
One thing that has come up is CPD. CPD is the diagnosis given to women when they are told their pelvis is too small to birth their baby vaginally. It’s incredibly rare and has nothing to do with the size of her body. The common causes are severe malnutrition, rickets and tuberculosis.
I hear about this from mamas that aren’t going for a vbac too. If they have a small frame, they are scared that they can’t birth a baby vaginally or that they will be severely injured in the process. Let’s stop this.
The pelvis is made to mold, shift and move during labor. The position in which you labor can expand or restrict its movement. For example, laboring in side lying position or on hands and knees can increase pelvic measurements by 30%. Laboring on your back is probably the worst position for this.
Things that can help:
🌟Abdominal lifts
🌟Miles circuit
🌟Good nutrition
🌟@spinningbabies exercises
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