Pack your bags!
Congrats! It’s time to go!
The truth is that the hospital will have all the essentials for mama and baby BUT here is a compact list of items that might make your stay a bit more comfortable. I suggest keeping the bag in the birthing persons partners car, but do whatever feels right for YOU.
Must Haves:
There are only 3 things you really need.
Health Insurance info
List of Birth Intentions
Things for MAMA
Depends (or another brand of disposable underwear). The mesh panties are great in theory but the pad moves around which makes it likely that you’ll leak. You don’t need that right after having a baby. Suck it up and get the depends.
Nursing bra/tank
Loose fitting PJs. Specifically a top with easy access for baby to nurse
Nipple cream (I love Motherlove)
Your toiletries
Any medications and supplements. You should continue to take your prenatal
Going home outfit
Phone charger. The longer the cord the better
Eye mask
Snacks. Hospital food is gross. Electrolytes that can be added to water
Things for Babe:
Olive oil to wipe baby’s bottom. It will help create a barrier to make wiping meconium much easier
Going home outfit. Bring both NB size and 0-3 month since you won’t know what your baby will fit into until they are born
Swaddle and any signage for photos if you plan on taking any
Cord Blood Banking kit if you plan on banking the baby’s blood
Car seat. Based must be installed to take baby home
Extras and Items for Partner:
Pillows (don’t use a white pillow case so it’s easy to identify)
Speakers to listen to music
Flameless candles
Essential oils
Your own supplies for baby if you don’t want to use the brands that the hospital provides
Yoga ball